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Reliable, precise, innovative: Certina has dedicated over 130 years to the fine art of Swiss watchmaking. Certina prioritise high-quality workmanship, modern technology and true sporting spirit. And we don't just mean top athletic performances. It's about reliability, sustainability and being open to new things. In order to ensure that all Certina timepieces meet these various standards, they must adhere to strict quality criteria. These criteria are reflected in the uncompromisingly robust "Double Security" DS Concept as well as in the "Swiss Made" mark of origin and quality label which characterises all the timepieces in the collection.
As a true diver's watch, it meets all the requirements of the ISO 6425 standard and is waterproof to a depth of 300 m. Its Powermatic 80 movement incorporates a power reserve of up to 80 hours, it also incorporates a Nivachron spiral-balance wheel and, therefore, is always ready if the perfect wave ..
As a true diver's watch, it meets all the requirements of the ISO 6425 standard and is waterproof to a depth of 300 m. Its Powermatic 80 movement incorporates a power reserve of up to 80 hours, it also incorporates a Nivachron spiral-balance wheel and, therefore, is always ready if the perfect wave ..
As a true diver's watch, it meets all the requirements of the ISO 6425 standard and is waterproof to a depth of 300 m. Its Powermatic 80 movement incorporates a power reserve of up to 80 hours, it also incorporates a Nivachron spiral-balance wheel and, therefore, is always ready if the perfect wave ..
Vintage Ds Chronograph Automatic watch, this unique watch that reflects more than 130 years of watchmaking experience. This elegant chronograph is a direct descendant of a historic Certina model. It combines distinctly classic features with fine watchmaking precision and truly timeless style. A high..
The Ds Podium Automatic Chronograph shows your technical innovation and watchmaking expertise. Its multi-layered architectural design, its precision in short-time measurements leaves no one indifferent with its style. Its highly reliable automatic caliber with a magnetic field resistant NivachronTM ..
The Ds Podium Automatic Chronograph shows your technical innovation and watchmaking expertise. Its multi-layered architectural design, its precision in short-time measurements leaves no one indifferent with its style. Its highly reliable automatic caliber with a magnetic field resistant NivachronTM ..
The Certina DS PH200M is the worthy successor to one of Certina's most important historical watches, which shares the same name, and is a modern interpretation of this beloved rugged diver's watch from the 1960s. As part of Certina's Heritage Collection the brand, shows a nice mix between vintage de..
This watch places high demands on watchmaking. Today's high-quality wristwatches must excel in three areas at once: style, strength and precision. With his latest version of the popular DS Action Diver.As a true diver's watch with a diameter of 43 mm and a ceramic bezel, it meets all the requirement..
This watch places high demands on watchmaking. Today's high-quality wristwatches must excel in three areas at once: style, strength and precision. With his latest version of the popular DS Action Diver.As a true diver's watch with a diameter of 43 mm and a ceramic bezel, it meets all the requirement..
This watch places high demands on watchmaking. Today's high-quality wristwatches must excel in three areas at once: style, strength and precision. With his latest version of the popular DS Action Diver.As a true diver's watch with a diameter of 43 mm and a ceramic bezel, it meets all the requirement..
This watch places high demands on watchmaking. Today's high-quality wristwatches must excel in three areas at once: style, strength and precision. With his latest version of the popular DS Action Diver.As a true diver's watch with a diameter of 43 mm and a ceramic bezel, it meets all the requirement..
This watch places high demands on watchmaking. Today's high-quality wristwatches must excel in three areas at once: style, strength and precision. With his latest version of the popular DS Action Diver.As a true diver's watch with a diameter of 43 mm and a ceramic bezel, it meets all the requirement..
Showing 1 to 12 of 56 (5 Pages)